Monday, September 7, 2009

Gemma Taccogna Heads

I've always admired those antique French papier mache heads, the ones once used as hat stands. Case in point: This adorable girl from Dove Place Antiques. Love the bright colors, almost mod features, and baldish hairline.

Sadly, the pricing on these heads always put them out of my reach.

But nothing comes between a collector and her mania. Especially not when there's ebay.

After a few searches for "papier mache heads", I am now the proud owner of not one, but two head-shaped hat stands. Meet the twins:

They are both Gemma Taccogna, circa 1960s. And I love them.

Now someone tell me how, HOW, did I manage to get this old and not encounter Gemma Taccogna? She made THE most wonderful, whimsmical papier mache creations, with beautiful mod lines that manage to be folksy at the same time.

Of course, now that I own the two Gemma heads, I'm lusting for a third. I've got my eye on this grand-mammy of a head, 16" high, at Mod Hare.

And the vintage crackling makes it that much better!